For this example I'm going to show you how to display the RSS feed for The Tutorial Blog using PHP.
The Code
The first two lines of code that we write are going to be what retrieve the RSS feed.$file = file_get_contents("");
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($file);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($file);
Now the next thing we do is use the foreach function so for each item found do something with it
What are code will do is simply echo the titles of all the items found within the feeds. If you also want to include a link to the feed you can do this by printing to screen $feed->link. All the code together should look something like this.
<?php $file = file_get_contents("");
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($file);
foreach($xml->channel->item as $feed){
echo $feed->title.'<br>';
Thanks for taking the time to read this tutorial. I hope you have learned something.
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($file);
foreach($xml->channel->item as $feed){
echo $feed->title.'<br>';
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