Wednesday, October 27, 2010

PHP Frameworks !! Why , when and which ?

  Today, I’m going to talk about PHP frameworks. Please note that the choice of choosing a framework is personal preference and the statement and this post is not going to say that this framework is better than this framework.

What are the benefits of using MVC PHP frameworks ?

Well there are many benefits of using PHP frameworks, let’s see some of the main benefits of using them.
  1. They PHP frameworks follows some design pattern, so when you use these framework you’ve to follow their coding convention which makes your code clean and extensible for future purpose.
  2. The Popular PHP frameworks like CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Zend Framework , Symfony follows Model View Controller(MVC) design pattern which separates business logic from user interface making the code cleaner and extensible.
  3. As everybody can guess, these frameworks contains a lot of libraries to make your job easier. For example, to validate a from you don’t have write much code as you’ve to in normal coding scenario, just few lines of code calling the library might be enough for it.
  4. While working on a large project in a team, these MVC PHP framework will be a great tool for development as you can assign a developer to develop MVC part of a module for a developer and integration will be quite easy of these developed module at final level.
  5. These MVC framework will really helps you to develop the project rapidly, if you know one framework well then you’ll never worry about the project deadline.
  6. Most of these MVC frameworks uses clear url approach making your web project SEO friendly.
Furthermore, if you want charge money to visitors who download or access content of your website then this software is highly useful.

What are disadvantage of using MVC PHP frameworks?

A coin has two parts similarly a bright stuff always have dark part as well .
  1. Different framework have different coding convention, Depending upon the the framework, you’ll have to learn coding convention for the framework you want to follow. So depending upon the framework, it might to struggle at the beginning.
  2. While coding using these framework, sometime you’ll not find any library or helpers which might be useful for you so you’ll have to struggle bit at that time.
  3. If you don’t have OOP experience then PHP MVC framework are not you. First build a solid knowledge of OOP with PHP then only think about choosing any framework.
  4. PHP frameworks are not for the small projects from my point of view, because in a very simple project custom coding will work faster than setting up a framework.

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